
Showing posts from February, 2021


 It needs a village to raise a child. As a corollary, if a child does not receive the love, it will burn the whole village to get the warmth. I have heard it - from Netflix series. That is what is the story of Ted - the unabomber. He is a very smart child. And as a consequence feels that nobody understands him.  In their pride about their son, his parents put him in higher class, but that makes him a loner. He doesn't have any friends, nor communication skills. The only friend, he has moves away once he gets a girl friend. The trend continues even in Oxford. But here he comes in contact with Professor Miles and is selected as one of the subjects for his experiment. Ted does not realize this, but is happy to have finally found some one to talk to, to share ideas with. But Professor Miles prods him with electrodes and lies to him and uses all the sessions for his "mind - control" experiment - which was a government project.  So so many things have already gone wrong with th

Bad seeds

 Waël is a tiny little boy hiding below the chair, trembling and watching his entire family being butchered. Orphaned Waël roams around the war ravaged town unseen and unheard by everyone. Hunger taught him lessons of survival. Finding a pair of cooling glasses, he walks around the busy markets with those glasses over his eyes and a stick in his hand. Again, no one pays attention to him. So he easily snatches purses of men and women.  One day a nun catches him and takes him to an orphanage. That will be the beginning of long lasting attachment between Waël and Monique.  Fast forward 20 years, the duo have a unique technique. They pick a elderly or gullible victim in airport. Waël snatches the purse of Monique and runs away. Monique screams and the victim runs behind Waël to catch the purse thief. Now Monique runs with the victim’s luggage. But fate brings Victor as their prey one day. Victor not only catches Waël red handed, but recognises Monique - who was his ex. He gives them an opt

Random thoughts

 Many random thoughts go around the brain. Unrelated. And I am not going to stretch each of them into a full blog. We do not want proles to become educated and smart as we don’t want them to know our shortcomings.  As we grow older, we tend to forget things because that way at least we walk around the house ten times, thus exercising our big fat legs. Our sense organs grow weaker as we grow old. But without effort, we will not hear bad things, not see bad things. But tongue is one organ which should have become weaker like others.

Tabula Rasa

 Tabula rasa - (not to be confused with Tambula rasa - the beautiful red designs on our roads) a philosophy which states that a human brain to start with is an empty slate. So our nurture plays an important role rather than nature. Which means that whether you turn out to be a right conservative or a traitor ;) completely depends on whom you associate with and what kind of tweets you follow or what whatsapp messages you read. Jokes aside, I don't want to write about philosophies, even in this age. I am talking about the netflix series by the same name.  Animei or mei is having a blank slate almost each day. Because she has some kind of amensia where she forgets everything after every few days.  But this fragile lady who was a former opera singer is imprisoned in a psychiatric ward. Sounds horrific. Isn't it? The reason for her confinement is she was the last person to be seen with a missing person.  Even if she did murder this man - Tom, she will not remember it, right? So the

Shataka - a JavaScript number game

 Now that I have reached a certain age, I can only recycle old ideas.  I modified the hundred app into a web page.  It is a simple JavaScript app. You can get its source code here The aim is to get a sum of 100 for each row and each column of the grid. The grid has 3 rows and 3 columns. 6 of the 9 numbers are already given.  Let us look at an example.  Now last row in this example is already filled. And it adds to 100. Let us look at first row. It has 7 and 20. Which means we need 100-20-7 = 73 to make 100. So fill 73 in first cell. Similarly fill 75 in second row first cell.  This is the solved puzzle  You can view the game in my github page.

Maths worksheets for school kids - yet another website

I was searching for material for my maths quiz blog and I came across a site with multiple maths worksheets for different grades . I am not sure how is the school open situation here in Karnataka, or in any other part of India. But these websites will help parents - there by their children in any case.  I have been unnecessarily trying to write some blog p osts and games for school mathematics . But as I repeatedly write, internet has a large collection of such websites - many of them free too.  Here is the site with math worksheets for different grades .  The worksheets are printable pdf files and they seem pretty good.     

Neel Kamal

 I glanced upon a board en route to Sirsi. Hotel  Neel Kamal (Blue lotus). That started my thought wheel. Why Neel Kamal. Kamals are always Laal -red or safed - white. Why would they be blue?  If you think about it, in the plant kingdom, blue is not a preferred colour. You find most flowers being red, pink, orange or yellow. Rarely are they blue. As blue is not very bright and will not attract butterflies.  So I imagined a painter - in the good old days. He painted a lotus on a temple wall. In pretty blue colour. When other painters saw this painting, they guffawed. Blue lotus? He is crazy. ( they did not know to say deshdrohi kahika) They ridiculed him, but he kept saying this is Neel Kamal - unashamed, unapologetic. So they kept ridiculing about Neel Kamal. No one knew when ridicule changed to novelty, which changed to admiration. Hence came the phrase Neel Kamal.  But I could not be any more wrong. There are actual Neel Kamals in India. Called nymphaea nauchali scientifically. They

Kalaha , yuddha and kadana

 Some days I feel only thing left is to watch Netflix. Then how long can I keep feeling sad for myself. My beta waves show me a path - however small it may be.  So today it will be word for the day in Sanskrit. And the word is Kalaha.  kalaha - कलह - quarrel e.g. मौनिन: कलहं नास्ति | mouninaha kalaham naasti. (Person who keeps silent does not have to quarrel. ) मौन - mouna - silent  This proverb cancels out another proverb about mouna. मौनं सम्मति लक्षणम् | Silence indicates your agreement.  More often, in current times, most people prefer to remain silent though they do not have sammati, though they do not agree, because they don't want to get into confrontation. With the rulers. with the authorities, with the friends and family. Related words: युद्ध - yuddha - battle -war This word well used in most Indian languages.  e.g. युद्धकाले शस्त्राभ्यासं - yuddhakaale shastrabhyasam. (preparing for the event too late, practicing your weapons when the war has already begun) शस्त्राभ्यासं

Fallet - a comedy of errors

 Fallet is a Swedish comedy in Netflix. It is about two detectives and an investigation. The detectives can’t be any more different. Tom is a timid British detective who is middle aged, too polite for a cop. Sofia is a Swedish cop who shoots first and then asks questions later.  One common factor however is that they are both sent to Norbecca as a punishment. There has been strange murder there. A man has been murdered with a bible quote has been etched on his body and a bible has been attached to his body. The chief of police in Norbecca is an old gentleman who wants to maintain good relations with the rich and mighty of the town. His assistant is his stepson who is legally not a cop but has a badge.  Each of these people so inefficient, so unintelligent that it is a wonder if they solve any case at all.  To make matters worse, Tom is attracted to Sofia’s mother who reciprocates his feelings. And then there is a witness who is injured and so can communicate only using morse code- by b