
Showing posts from June, 2021

Franny and Zooey

 Franny is troubled. Her name is actually Frances. And she is one of the wonder kids of Glass family.  All Glass children exceptionally intelligent, well read, were child prodigies and had participated in a radio program for such children. But as a result of this intelligence, they are depressed. One of them, Seymour has already committed suicide.  Franny is twenty years old and she has developed sudden and passionate interest in Jesus. She came across a book about a pilgrim and his "incessant" praying technique and his journey. Since reading the book and its sequel, she hardly eats, does not socialize and has become reclusive. Her mother is worried and asks Zooey - Zachary to intervene. Zooey - a funny name and so is Zachary - sounds like Saccharine. But so is Frances - for us Indians, Francis is a man and is most likely a pope. We find so many of their names funny and don't pronounce them right. And we make memes when the ex-president of US of A could not pronounce Vive

Cat's eye by Margaret Atwood

 I have been reading another book by Margaret Atwood - "Cat's eye". The book is marvelous as all her works are. Elaine is an middle aged artist visiting her home town Toronto for an exhibition of her paintings. The visit brings back a flood of childhood memories - some good, most others bad. Nine year old Elaine who was very close to her brother, finds the world of girls confusing, a little scary. Her friend have a little group and their own world which gets complicated when they are growing. Cordelia becomes bossy, mean and will start emotionally abusing her friends. But they do not protest but put up with it. This causes depression in Elaine and she starts peeling off the skin of her toes. She does not want to tell her problems to her mother even when asked. She keeps telling they are her friends and they do not trouble her.  One day because she laughed when Cordelia fell down, Cordelia asks Elaine to go into the ravine and bring her hat from there. But when she goes th


 You know what you should do? There is a key marked ctrl in the bottom line of keyboard. Look at that key, remove it and keep it in your pocket. That way you will always have control.  Yes, the joke is as lame as it gets. Because control you can't - not your life, not others, not even your spouses and children.  But I think  there is a major difference between a devout and a skeptic which is the worry about control or lack there of. A devout, religious person knows that nothing is under his control. He accepts this fact wholeheartedly and in fact rejoices it. If he has any good fortune, he praises God. Prays him extra hours. And if he has some bad luck, some thing bad happens to him, he says our merciful God is punishing him. For, did he not commit some sin the other day? He had prayed less mantras last week. He forgot to fast on an Ekadashi. And he could not visit the MahaGanapati temple for over a month. These are his sins and he deserves this punishment. And he cries and prays e