Franny and Zooey

 Franny is troubled. Her name is actually Frances. And she is one of the wonder kids of Glass family. 

All Glass children exceptionally intelligent, well read, were child prodigies and had participated in a radio program for such children. But as a result of this intelligence, they are depressed. One of them, Seymour has already committed suicide. 

Franny is twenty years old and she has developed sudden and passionate interest in Jesus. She came across a book about a pilgrim and his "incessant" praying technique and his journey. Since reading the book and its sequel, she hardly eats, does not socialize and has become reclusive. Her mother is worried and asks Zooey - Zachary to intervene. Zooey - a funny name and so is Zachary - sounds like Saccharine. But so is Frances - for us Indians, Francis is a man and is most likely a pope. We find so many of their names funny and don't pronounce them right. And we make memes when the ex-president of US of A could not pronounce Vivekananda's name.

Another interesting thing I observed in this book is lot of Hindu words and names being used - along with Buddha, Sufi etc. e.g. Zooey tells his sister "This is Kaliyuga and if you don't have ulcer, something is wrong with you". 

No, the author of the book is not Indian, nor is he educated in India. Jerome D Salinger is an American Jewish writer, famous for his book "The catcher in the rye" and his reclusive nature. Of course Jewish people are really smart. But that is not the reason, the sudden affinity our people have developed for Isreal. Anyways.

So far the book seems quite interesting - not too morose. Let's see how it goes.


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