
Showing posts from October, 2019


Opposition are complaining that outsiders are allowed to visit JK  but not them. How can they visit the state? They are not right. Are they?  The outsiders who came are all right or more righter. So they were allowed. These addled brains can’t understand such a simple thing. They can’t understand that you need to be right to get anything in this new world. Am I not right?

Respect thy leaders

I came across a movie called Manto. That reminded me of an activist called Safdar Hashmi who was killed. For being an activist.  So those who spoke against the establishment were being punished by the government in old days too. But what is new is the hatred for such people by common men and women Our country has been honouring and respecting intellectuals, thinkers, writers. We used to respect them. We might not have followed their ideals being commons as we are. But now we dislike these same people, attack them for their opinions and firmly believe that they are trying to divide our country - tukade tukade gang!! Their place has been taken by politicians. Now we respect, idolise or even deify these politicians. And firmly believe that they are going to bring back the old glory of our country. Ah, the decline has begun!!!

Control and escape

The title seems a little bit off. I did not want to write ctrl and esc and chase away the few readers I still have. Because my topics are not for the people who don't use ctrl esc etc. Our life is a continuous struggle to take control of our life and/or stop others from controlling it.    As children, we resented how our parents controlled our lives. OK, ok, not us - boomers, not people of our generations. We would cry, whine or nag our parents, but it never crossed our tiny minds that we were being controlled. Our children and all these new generation kids- they  hate being controlled by parents. And we have objurgated our control, not unwillingly.  We also resent our spouses for controlling our lives. Ask any man - he says with witty humor how his wife controls every thing in his life. So says his wife. But funny thing is, we do not  resent so much the when government controls us. May be we do not actually realize  the fact completely.    And we certainly do not worry about


We have all heard the saying "Even a mother does not feed the baby unless it cries". And I am realizing the significance of this now - you need to shout and angrily talk. You need to Arnabize your protest - then and only then your problem may see some kind of solution. Again our broad band connection started showing angry - red indicators. It is actually my fault. I became careless and did not switch of the router while not using. So it was indicating red and no internet. Actually I did not need that connection. But who does not like to fight. Over the phone, with poor customer support kids? So I tried calling the customer support of Airtel. First my call went to Airtel TV support. Then when I did get the number, I was unable to make a call. And my call record kept showing cancelled call. Once, twice, thrice. Now it was time to shout at another customer support guy/girl. This time to my mobile network which enables - in this case disables me to make call. After telli

Revisiting This is Us

“This is us “ is TV series which was telecast an year ago. I was re watching it today. Not only is the show different and is sentimental, it has a wonderful background music. It is the story of triplets - one of them being adapted and their real life struggles . The story keeps going back and forth between the lives of Rebecca and Jack Pearson and their children.  Untimely death of father Jack has an extreme impact on the twins. And Rebecca herself severely depressed is unable to see or address this problem. Obesity, addiction, depression and among all these the wonderful family bond - I don’t think any other American TV series depicts these realistically.  If you want some serious drama, watch  it - it is available in Amazon prime.


Some very meaningful images from pinterest

Brain exercise

I know we are all smart ones here. Only we weren't given the right opportunities we deserve. ;)  Let us see whether we can solve these puzzles. Of course I copied from pinterest. That site and stack overflow are like are air and water for me. Solve it, it is easy. And the next one. This is simpler than first one. Because here is only one unknown - the bee? Any ways - it is very very easy. And the last one is the omnipresent and slightly irritating - as I find it not so easy - the next number in the sequence. Let us try it. Send your answers in the comments. If no one answers - I will give out the answers in the next post.

Beautification of Bangalore

My dear BBMP engineers, it is laudable that your are really working for beautification of our Bengaluru city. You are creating wonderful landscapes in the city. You are creating hillocks, small wells and fields, and all these in the middle of roads! Really praiseworthy! The roads you are digging for laying the sewage pipes really look like fields readied for sowing. And it is raining too, so let us grow some rice and ragi!! And the roads where you finish the pipe laying work will have hillocks or wells. You say they are chambers with man hole covers? You say it is not very easy to place them on level with rest of the road? That is OK, pals. It may slow down the drivers - and they will pause and observe your handiwork. It may also cause the in-efficient ones to fall down on the road. Don't they deserve it? For daring to come on these competitive roads? Keep up the good work, people!!


Saudi is threatening of increasing oil price drastically. Two dear neighbour friends India and Pakistan are threatening of nuke attacks. But do you know who is scared most? Our dear earth mother- bhumata. She is scared that her children - arrogant, ignorant and selfish children are trying to meet the fate of dinosaurs.