
Klutz - a clumsy and awkward person

I had just finished eating dosas with chutnipudi and jaggery. This jaggery is different. We malnad people make and use liquid jaggery. We use it for cooking as well as an side dish for dosas.

So I put the lid to jaggery bottle. Then I realized I had instead put the lid of a smaller bottle, which fell inside jaggery.

So I was in really sticky situation. And my immediate reaction was "klutz". Wow, for a person whose mother tongue is not English, who is not "convent" educated, who nowadays rarely reads anything which does not appear on a screen, I do know my words. Such uncommon words.

So does it implicate that my mind is smarter than I am, my subconscious mind that is? And it takes pleasure in using its wonder vocabulary on me!

OK. That is it.

Also it has been a while since I wrote a self-deprecating post.


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