A day

My day starts with a deep philosophical conundrum in the morning. Why should I get up?

No, no, I am not a teenager rebelling against the idea of getting up, angry at her mom for waking her up. But I find it difficult to understand the purpose.

Anyways I do get up and make a cup of tea and take it to the terrace. Where I have some potted plants. Many of which are withering, have ants all around and crying in despair. Yes, I must warn my gardener (me) and tell her to take better care of them. Then I look at the sky. For more than 4 months now, the sky has been dull gray as if even the sky is disillusioned with life and us. After looking at this sad sky, plants do not look so withered and sick. But some days, like yesterday, there were non-gray clouds in the sky, with a hint of pink in them. A nice, nice sky. But they were hurrying some where afraid of me bringing my camera (mobile) to shoot at them. They need not have. By the time I limp down the stairs and climbed them again, not only clouds, even the sun would have reached home.

Any ways I look at the sky, my plants and walk a little and come back. Then breakfast preparation, serving and eating finished, I go to a park for walking.

Now I am thinking, what is the difference between people circumambulating in a temple and those circumambulating in a park. Both have the blind faith that some how this movement will change their life. They will become richer/happier/slimmer/healthier. Both do this movement day after day with perseverance, regularity and most importantly hope.

Any way, even I try. But I do not have any of the above mentioned qualities and I certainly do not have any hope of me getting slimmer/happier/healthier.

Yesterday was some holiday and there were children and their parents. Some life in the park occasionally at least. But I also witnessed some power play there.

A small girl was pushing a merry-go-round on which two more children were sitting. The older girls were making the younger one do the work. That happens in most of children's games.

Rest of the day is just staring. I will be either staring at the wall or at the mobile or at the TV. Like most other urban women.  


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