
All my life I have been thinking "what will she think", "what will he think", "what will they think" etc.. Yes, that is called worrying about other's reactions. And it has not served me well.

Though I have been thinking so much, I rarely understood what I am thinking. But my mother used to say
ನಿನ್ನ ನೀ ಅರಿಯದಿರೆ ನಿನಗೆ ನೀನೇ ಅರಿ

Ha, you know something friends, my ubuntu language switch works much better than the kannada transliteration tool provided by blogger.

OK, what the above Kannada saying means is "if you don't understand yourself, you are your own enemy (ari)." Yes, I have been doing this all my life - being my own enemy. Not standing up for myself, not taking responsibilities of my deeds and misdeeds and so on.

So I have decided to understand - especially when I am upset, I am boiling, my head is exploding, to analyze myself. What am I thinking and why? Why does that make me so angry or worried?

Lekhana Keyboard
For example, currently I am feeling exhilarated or just excited because not only did I publish the pending update to my app Lekhana, I also reduced the app size by another 100 k. (and learnt how to do it).

About the update. One good Samaritan wrote to me saying that the key size is very very small. So I modified the key size and while at it, fixed few more bugs. Download it now at least friends. You will certainly love the keyboard.


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