First commandment

Some background: We all have heard about how God came down on earth and gave these commandments to people. Some people say it was given to the people through Moses.

But what are these commandments?

They are normal moral values. Like respect your parents, do not steal, do not lie, do not commit adultery, do not covet other's things etc. But the first one is "I am your Lord and you will pray only to me". This looks like a child's command to me. May be the Lord was a child at that time. Who knows?

We have forgotten to obey most of these commandments except for the first one. We lie as if it is our second language. We cheat. We covet - if we don't the advertises will go out of business. We may not kill or commit adultery. At least not all of us.

But now we have been given one more commandment by our government. Which is you shall not question. No, not your parents, not your God, but the Government. Those who work in Universities funded by UGC can not speak or write any thing critical of Government.

Step by step, institution by institution, our freedom of speech  is being taken away from us. And of course, we all support these actions against "urban naxals", pseudo seculars and desha drohis.

And certainly, it happens only in India.


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