
If poor people are quarrelsome, alcoholic and rude because of their situation, are we also the way we are because of hopelessness of our situation.

Did I say hopelessness? You say I am being ridiculous. What do we lack? We have food. We have roof over our heads. We have clothes to cover ourselves. And more importantly we have families- people who care for us. Still why do we feel as if we are  “kati parang” - a kite which flies aimlessly?

Is it because we do search for some meaning? Some thing which is beyond our day-today struggle? Or is it because of MS- which in cleaner language means don’t know the word for it. 

Are we trying to find purpose for our existence? ಅರ್ಥ in this “ನಿರರ್ಥಕ” life? But how do we find this purpose and meaning? Which guru will lead us towards this unknown goal?


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