
Showing posts from June, 2019

chalis at pachas - plus

ತಂದಾನ ತಾನ ತಾನ ತಂದಾನ ತಂದ ಹೇಳ್ಯಾಳ  ತಂದ ಓದ್ಯಾಳ Why not? Why shouldn’t I read my own blog posts? At least then there will be one fan - dedicated fan of my blogs. Any ways I was reading about my difficulties with reading glasses- chalees in  my blog post Things have changed since then. Now I use glasses 23 hours a day- one hour for cooking :) I only take my glasses to kitchen if I have brought some spice powder and would like to read instructions. Most often I give up. They can not be read by me - glasses or no glasses. I am unable to sew in the evenings even while wearing glasses. (An appropriate solution is to sew in the broad daylight. ) Does it mean I need to change my glasses? I don’t think so. I am able to read from my phone and laptop. After increasing font size.  Unfortunately real life fonts can not be increased. Where is the settings menu? Where? Smile is only the jewellery you need-

Pictures to ponder

I have almost forgotten what wonderful store pinterst is - not just silly jokes, but beautiful, meaningful, satirical pictures. Here are some. Load Wings for you Every parent knows it. But not children   Compassion Ugly truth of war
Many interviewers ask the question “where do you see yourself in 5 years” and some people like me would think “I don’t plan one day ahead and you’re asking 5 years “ Turns out it makes life very difficult if you don’t have any plans. You just can’t keep watching movies and mobile games entire day ( your data quota expires by noon). If you do not have a project in hand existence becomes very difficult. That’s my analysis for my blues currently. Let me see whether I am right. 


Do I keep writing about my own websites or not? SEO? Anyways if you need to read something useful not my ramblings here is a page about C++ operators. If you feel something is missing please let me know.

Worst enemy

A borrowed joke God appeared before me and asked. “Vatse what do you want?” I asked for hundred thousand dollars. God was surprised and told “ greed isn’t a good thing. If I give you hundred thousand dollars, I will have to give fifty thousand to your worst enemy. Is that OK?” I replied “why wouldn’t I want hundred and fifty thousand dollars”.

No more moves left

That is the message I get, when I lose my game. That is what we feel. And when we feel that nothing is in our control, we feel angry, sad, depressed and so many other things.  That is where these creative works help. Ok, may be there are people there who are very mean and rude and nasty to us. But look at this code? It is so beautiful! Or look at this sweater I have knitted. Isn’t it wonderful.  So ladies, find something you love( other than your family and chores). And spend as much time as you can on this hobby.

To believe or not

Wonderful statement by Javed Akhtar  If one person believes in a lie, he is a fool. If ten crore people believe in a lie, it is a religion! I would like to make a small change here. If 10 crore people believe in a lie, they are Indians.  Because we have been taught to not question. Anything. Wonderful video of Kunal Kamra about Javed Akhtar.  Though I do not completely agree with Mr Akhtar . I have seen so many common men and women who are religious but good and intelligent too. They  value both their God and humanity. Religion for many of us ( women - middle aged and middle class) is some non-existing thread to hold on to. Though we know it is semi myth, we would rather believe in this that accept the hopelessness of the situation. (And try to fix it)

Law of inertia

What does Newton’s second law say? Or is it first law? That a body at rest remains at rest and the body in motion continues in motion etc.  Now we know why our bodies remains at rest. Always. It is physics. It is law of inertia! Leave getting up from couch. We don’t even open our eyes fully. And thinking! It  is completely out of question. I realised that I love the game candy crush because it gives some kind of action sans gray cells. Even a game called Home scapes , I play only the arranging part- 3 in a row.  Even in famous Facebook, I only read few words written on the picture. And I never ever ever open the link given. Who will read such big pages! Don’t work, don’t think, don’t get up from couch. At this rate, few generations from now, we will evolve into “Hebbavu”- python!

Her fault

Sita, Draudapi You or me It’s always  Her fault HER fault Why is her Dress so short Why does she laugh Loudly Why laugh at all? Why does she walk? With head held high? It’s always  Her fault! Take this pan Take this ladle And this broom Never think Beyond these She doesn’t  Need to She shouldn’t  Be inside  The house Always Shut all Windows  Suffocation Stops  After awhile  Sita was Imprisonsed By a demon Surrounded by demons She is Inside her Own home Still surrounded by Them But its her Fault Always

you can’t win

“You just can not win” I declared emphatically.  My system was really slow. I tried various tweaks including re-installing Os . Then i started removing unwanted packages.  One mistake and alas my desktop was gone. Sad, but correctable I decided.  I tried installing that package. My system is stubborn some what like me. So it told me, if you want desk top package, you need to install approximately 100 packages. All those packages which I had removed so meticulously. So SSH came back, so did Remima and vino. There is no winning at all. With computers as with life.