
Showing posts from November, 2019
ತೆಂಗು ಕೊಂಗುಗಳ  ನಾಡವರು ನಾವು 

Happier place

Early morning I looked into the mirror and found a stranger looking at me. It was not me but a happier and calmer woman. And you have guessed right. I was in my maike - tavaru- mother’s place.   Why am I so peaceful here? Because of the pure love here.  Parents  might disagree with their children,   might be too vocal about it some times. But their love and their desire for child’s best life is almost divine. It is as if their souls  resides in their child.

Padyam Sundaram

The famous Kannada poet Muddana might have famously said "padyam vadyam gadyam hradyam". But the poetry has a feature of touching our heart and staying in our mind. I watch many satirists like Akash bannerjee , Dhruv Rathee , Rajeev Nigam . They do beautiful analysis of current political scenario, and put it in a funny way too, but  some thing is missing. And that is a tune, a melody, a something which sticks to your mind and does not let it go. You all know about "Azadi" song which is both famous and infamous and now is also made into movie song. It would have gained its fame if it were a just a prose. There are some youtubers which sing out their frustrations, anger and helplessness and make us (at least some of us - the woke ones ;)  ) think. There is this poet called Mukammal - His name is Naveen Chaurey. His poems are wonderful and well see them for yourself - Vastavik Kanoon And there is this aisi taisi democracy channel. I some how expected these p


In alpha state of my brain ( half awake in morning is when you are in alpha stars - that's what some self help video asked me to believe), I was writing a poem about disqualified, defected, anarha legislators from our state, asking people to defeat them. I was framing words for this poem first in Kannada, then in English, then again in Kannada. But now that  I am fully awake, and not at all creative - I decide poem is too much work. Let me prose out my opinions. See, these 17 people were elected by people because they belonged to some party. And for the greed of power and may be money, they left their party and toppled the government. Now, the supreme court has upheld their disqualification but still allows them to contest the by-elections. Now, if they are in they need to be barred from election for next five years. Isn't the reason for making anti-defection law was to discourage such horse trading? Now if they are handled with kids' gloves, what message does that s

Never ever

The refined flour and biscuits and breads made from that does not suit many Indians. They will be err. .. constipated. But do you know one person who is never constipated ? Never ever ever ever? Yes, you are right! It is Mr. Goswami. Why? Have you seen the way he shouts?  Or, May be that is the exact reason he has his patriotic outbursts of 100 dB.


There are some good outcomes of watching Tv shows. Ok, our mind will try to always justify most of the not so good things we do anyways. Anyhow... There is this TV show called Dr. House- a doctor hospital storyline. Not quite as colourful as Greys Anatomy. The Dr House is brilliant, rude and miserable. Like protagonists of many TV shows. Along with a messed up marriage or affairs, he has another disaster in his life. He limps - instead of getting his leg amputated he lives with pain and - Vicodin.  Now the question is, do these justify his obnoxious behaviour ? Or his excellent skills in diagnostics of mysterious symptoms of patients justify his behaviour ? I don’t agree. No matter what hell you are facing in personal life, you can not be arrogant and rude and hurt others.  So don’t be House. Put your baggage aside and take responsibility for your actions and behaviour  - no matter what. 


This TV series is streamed from Amazon prime . It’s name is “The man in the high castle”  It’s a what if story - no, no, no. Not what about story. What if story. What if the Axis- that is Germany, Japan and Italy would have won Second World War.  The world is being ruled by Japan and Germany. United States has been divided into two halves for these two nation and there is a third neutral zone. There is still anti Semitism - because it is Nazi rule. People are shot, gassed or killed in some other way for trivial crimes. By the Japanese and German police.  Thank God, it is a fiction. But Nazi Germany, Hitler and genocide are facts. They did happen. What converted ordinary German citizens to Nazis - the blood thirsty, most cruel monsters? Hitler alone would not have killed millions of people. He gave orders and his soldiers decimated people - men, women and children. How did men become beasts? Is it anger because of Great Depression, anger for the defeat and humiliation in First World War