Padyam Sundaram

The famous Kannada poet Muddana might have famously said "padyam vadyam gadyam hradyam". But the poetry has a feature of touching our heart and staying in our mind.

I watch many satirists like Akash bannerjee, Dhruv Rathee, Rajeev Nigam. They do beautiful analysis of current political scenario, and put it in a funny way too, but  some thing is missing. And that is a tune, a melody, a something which sticks to your mind and does not let it go.

You all know about "Azadi" song which is both famous and infamous and now is also made into movie song. It would have gained its fame if it were a just a prose.

There are some youtubers which sing out their frustrations, anger and helplessness and make us (at least some of us - the woke ones ;)  ) think.

There is this poet called Mukammal - His name is Naveen Chaurey. His poems are wonderful and well see them for yourself - Vastavik Kanoon

And there is this aisi taisi democracy channel. I some how expected these people will make a change to our democracy. They could not. The comedians Varun Grover, Rahul Ram and Sanjay Rajoura touch burning topics and our hearts. - Bharat Desh Mera

And poems not just remain in our fickle minds for longer duration, they also a provide a way to broach on subjects subtly, conceitedly or metaphorically - so that we can get it out of our heart - without offending many people ( offended type of people do not have time or capacity to discern these )

So let us sing it out and try to change our country for better - one poem at a time.


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