
In alpha state of my brain ( half awake in morning is when you are in alpha stars - that's what some self help video asked me to believe), I was writing a poem about disqualified, defected, anarha legislators from our state, asking people to defeat them. I was framing words for this poem first in Kannada, then in English, then again in Kannada.

But now that  I am fully awake, and not at all creative - I decide poem is too much work. Let me prose out my opinions.

See, these 17 people were elected by people because they belonged to some party. And for the greed of power and may be money, they left their party and toppled the government. Now, the supreme court has upheld their disqualification but still allows them to contest the by-elections.

Now, if they are in they need to be barred from election for next five years. Isn't the reason for making anti-defection law was to discourage such horse trading? Now if they are handled with kids' gloves, what message does that send to future defectors? That it is OK to jump from one party to another party - who ever is the highest bidder? Or who ever has a bigger suitcase?

And this justice (?) from the highest court in our country?

Really what is one supposed to do when the government, judiciary and most importantly the people justify whatever wrongs one party does? Hara kollal para kaayvane harahara?

If we still care for democracy and justice, we need to vote for any one but these disqualified people.


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