Gut instinct

A lady in Saki’s book “when William came”  says “ I don’t know what causes socialism. Good education and worse digestion I suppose".

"In My husband’s generation, everyone has a very good digestion and there is not a single socialist. Now this new generation has no digestion worth speaking of. And in the course of six years, there have been two suicides and three socialists”

And I think I have got my eureka moment. When my entire family, my spouse, my parents, my little nephews and nieces all are singing praises of the Savior ( you know whom I mean), why do I keep humming Azadi Azadi Azadi to myself? The  raison d'etre is my bad digestion!  It has made me into a  socialist. 

Disclaimer: this post is a work of fiction and I am not any kind of ist. Just a plain old house wife. Struggling to live one day at a time.


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