Corona days

This is day 9 of lock down. Things are quite quiet here in Bangalore. Deserted roads completely empty, almost looks like some scene from a horror film - I dare not say apocalyptic film. But we are getting milk regularly, no newspaper. Vegetables vendor visits the apartment regularly.

The latest rule was that people should not use two wheelers or four wheelers unless they have a pass. Pass is given to delivery people and people working for essential services. I wonder how will people walk for kilometers to buy groceries.

In our native town, it seems some NGOs are taking your grocery list in whatsapp message and delivering them to your home in 24 hours. Vegetable vans and medicine vans are visiting quite frequently I believe. That's is quite a good step. Especially when many people residing in these small towns are aged.

Our counterpart Pakistan has not yet declared a lock down, I believe. And their premier Imran Khan is being criticized by opposition for not locking down the country when the corona cases are in the rise. So is the case in US of A. Most towns are opting for social distancing and work from home etc. Is that the reason why America is having the numbers double almost each day?

In another scary development, the virus has entered Dharavi in Mumbai - the largest slum. How does the government handle this situation? How does social distancing, hygiene maintenance and quarantine work in a slum? And what are the effects on Mumbai?

And in these times, the Delhi Jamat Markaz or whatever had a meeting for 10 days and has spread the disease. Very very sad. How will we control this? This non-stop venom spewing now by TV channels - now that they have some facts on their side?

Hopefully all this ends soon, with less harm that expected. To the people, to the economy and to India. 


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