No blog material

 My google of “why self sabotage” gave one of the reasons as anger.

Aha! I am not blogging enough God posts. 

See, we all get angry on so many people, situations and things. For which we can’t talk, protest or do anything at all.  So we need someone we can make fun of, but which should be victimless crime. No one should be hurt. Because after all, we being good people, don’t hurt others. 

So who will we blog on? On God of course. Because he doesn’t protest, nor ban you from air travel. 

So I used to blog on and on about God, chiding him, complaining about him, to him. In my own confused way. Those were good old days. 

But now I dare not blog on him. Because he has got super strong and quite vocal people on his side now. Whether he complains to them about me and my blogs is not very clear. But if I dare say one word disrespectful of their God, his supporters will make sure that I suffer  endlessly. 

So I can’t blog on God, I can’t blog on road, as I only see road from my windows. Where should all the rage go ? 

Thus sabotage! 


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