Not much to say

 I am not a very strong minded person. One minute I will I am surrounded by apps, reminders and even thoughts about how to (not be a self centered narcissist  moron) be a better person. And then there will be light fluttering of a butterfly or equally trivial incident and I am back to self loathing, self flagellating person, eating my worries away -which is cyclic as overeating is also one of my worries.

Now as far as the outer world is concerned - that is not in good shape either. We are ruling by the rulers - well, rulers we deserve. Who have a single point of focus like Arjun. What is their focus depends on whether you are deshabhakta or a traitor.

 And I blame this situation on the wide knowledge we all obtain from social media.  

One youtuber (again social media source) was saying instead of taking tough measures to improve economy, petrol and diesel prices are being hiked. Because this hike largely affects the middle class, who are staunch supporters of current government. 

And the pandemic! Now the newspapers have stopped talking about vaccines - suspiciously! What happened to the all the hype over stage 1/2/3 of vaccine research? But according to today's news, the pandemic will end in February '21, if we continue to take precautionary measures. We better take this news with a pinch of salt and be prepared to spend the rest of our lives being shutdown, be terribly to scared to venture outside. Like Kashmiris.

In such a situation, hum kare to kare kya, bole to bole kya?


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