Dandam dashagunam bhavet

I have this idea. May be silly. But idea nonetheless.

We all know that the pandemic has played havoc in our lives. And even our government is struggling as it does not have much money. Economy is not doing very well.

But there is one thing which goes on - the show - the elections. How do we use this eternal game to our advantage? We know that because of elections, political parties have to canvas and hold rallies and functions. And we can only guess the amount of money which gets spent on these canvassing. What if the candidates have to pay an extra fees for each public function they hold, each rally they take? An astronomical amount may be? Some thing like 20000 rupees for each of these events?

No, certainly this will not stop the candidates from canvassing. But it will add the much needed revenue to our government. Revenue to fight the pandemic, to improve our hospitals, to create jobs etc, etc. 

While we are at it, may be we can also think of pakshantara danda - a fine for defection of elected members of parliaments and assemblies. And of course an astronomical amount. So that every time an elected member switches sides, he will pay 1 lakh rupees to the government. Any way suitcases will be exchanged, let the suitcase come to our government. What do you think? And do you think the fine is too less?

And another danda can be alliance danda - breaking alliance fine. If a party breaks a pre-poll alliance and or forms a post-poll alliance, it will have to pay an amount equal to Rs x into number of elected members(x can be a few lakhs). Again horse trading for the benefit of our economy!

Dear TV anchors, now it will be your responsibility to fight to bring these rules into existance - as you are the real representatives of all Indians (as you proclaim)



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