Word of the day 5 : filia / putri

Latin word of the day : filia

filia - noun f. = daughter

I declension 

Plural : filiae 

e.g. Agricola filiam amat. - The farmer loves (his) daughter.

Filia pulchra fabulam narrat. - The pretty daughter tells a story.

Synonym of filia : nata

The masculine counter part of this word is filius. - son

Related word in English : filial. : of or pertaining to son/daughter

e.g. : My brothers, meanwhile, were clever, sensitive boys, who had already accrued a bank of happy filial memories.

What about other members of the family?

Filius - son

Pater - father

Mater - Mother

Soror - Sister

Sanskrit word of the day : पुत्री 

पुत्री : daughter (noun f)

e.g. तस्य पुत्री बहु दयावती| - His daughter is very kind.  

Related words : पुत्र - son, मातुलस्य पुत्री - cousin

Synonyms of पुत्री : जाता, कन्यका, कन्या, सुता, पुत्रिका, नंदना, तनूजा, तनया 

Family : मातृ / जननि - mother  पितृ / जनक - father  भगिनि - sister भ्रात​ृ - brother
    अनुजा - younger sister अग्रजा  - elder sister अनुज - younger brother अग्रज - elder brother



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