Words of the day - 1

 Do I create a new blog? Do I change this blog's name? Currently I don't do anything. I just post my posts on words of the day here.

Latin word of the day : ante 

Meaning - before, previously


Cogita ante salis. 

Think before you leap.

ante is found in many words in English. 


  1.  Antechamber: A small room before a big room
  2.  Antepenultimate: Before the second last in a sequence
  3.  Antedate : Date before another event in time
  4.  Ante meridian: Before noon
  5.  Antemortem : Place before death
  6.  Antediluvian: Before the great flood
  7.  Antebellum: Period before the war
  8.  Antechoir: Section in the church before the choir
  9.  Antelucan: Before dawn
  10.  Antenuptial: Coming before marriage
  11.  Antelude: A play before the main play
  12. Antescript: A note added before a script
  13. Antevocalic: A letter before a vowel
  14. Antetype: An earlier type of something
  15. Antiquity: Ancient times
  16. Antique: Belonging to the earlier period
  17. Anticipate: To realize beforehand
  18. Antebrachium: The forearm

Sanskrit word of the day :  purva. (पूर्व )

The similar word to ante  in Sanskrit is purva. (पूर्व )

पूर्व means before

तत्पूर्वं पीतुं किञ्चित् जलं ददातु।

Translation : Give some water to drink before that. 

Similar to to ante, purva appears in so many words as a prefix. 

  1. अभूतपूर्व - unprecedented
  2. पूर्वजन्म - previous life
  3. पूर्वागत -gone before
  4. पूर्वोक्ति - word said before
  5. पूर्वकाल - olden days
  6. पूर्वज - ancestor
  7. पूर्वानुमान - forecast
  8. पूर्वसिद्धता - preparation



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