Word of the day : Puella

 Word of the day : Puella

Puella - girl


Puella parva rosam albam habet. -  Little girl has a white rose. (parva - little alba - white habet - has)

Puer - boy

Puer in schola scribit. - The boy writes in the school 

vir : man

Vir maximus saepe vincit. - The bigger man often wins. (saepe - often vincit - wins/conquers)

Femina - woman

Maria femina pulchra est. - Maria is a beautiful woman

Sanskrit word for girl : कन्या


Other words for girl : कुमारी   बालिका  बाला

सा कन्या विद्यालयं गच्छति | That girl goes to school.

बालक: boy

त्रय: बालका: पादकंदुकं क्रीडयंति | -Three boys play with football.

पुरुष: man

स: पुरुषः आपणं गत्वा आगच्छति | That man came back from the shop.

स्त्री  : woman

Other words for woman :   वनिता  नारी   महिला

सा महिला बुद्धिमती  अस्ति | That woman is intelligent.



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