If I am bored I take a bottle from the kitchen and start painting on it  imagining myself to be Picasso. That would keep me busy for an hour or two. Painting, then losing patience, then realising it looks ugly , and then washing the paint off. 

If I am more bored, I download and install my programming ide. That will take care of at least half a day.  Realising that I may never have a functioning integrated development environment. And if the bored to much larger extent, I can always format my hard disk and  reinstall my OS. That will keep me busy and tensed for a day.

So the idea is, never blog when you are bored or tensed or feeling wretched. It will often lead to writing incomprehensible but bad posts and then deleting those posts.

 See, blogs do not have rules or syntax. You can write almost anything. And you do. With resulting repentance. And after all, what purushartha or stryartha (is my sandhi  right?) is achieved by blogs? It’s just a slightly modified form of grumbling. For the whole world to hear. 

Once upon a time, I was younger and was not such a bad blogger. But now no, only thing which comes to mind when I start writing is eeee uuuu waaaan. Then I try to verse it by morphing the grammar or line structure. It still remains a sob story. 

Do you think I should add ‘do not blog’ to my to-do lists in one of the devices? May be I should. Or may be I will blog about how and why not to blog when upset. 


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