I have written about Doris Lessing's book The four gated city number of times. May be because that is the only cerebral thing I have read for past several months. 

Now some of her books are semi-autobiographical. And in this book, her boss and her friend Mark is slightly communist because he has a brother - a communist scientist. Who unable to bear the probes, gossips and intimidation flees to Russia, leaving behind a young son and a wife. 

In the wikipedia page, it is written Lessing herself was in British surveillance for 20 years because of her affinity to communism and her anti-racism stand. 

So the governments all over the world - or government officials are wary of writers who have ideologies. Why? What can an old lady/man sitting in one corner of the house and writing do? Cause a mutiny? A war?  

Now with advance in technologies, they use digital war against these writers or any one who they perceive is a threat. 

Yesterday, I was searching for Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival's post in twitter where he has announced pension schemes for the orphaned children of covid victims. No, I could not locate that post, instead of I saw many Arvind Kejrivals who are obviously RW supporters. So that gave rise to a question - is it true that there are some people sitting in a factory, writing tweets furiously, dutifully opposing any one who utters one word of "disrespect" to the rulers? The odds are quite high. 

Now do the common man/woman realize the distinction between opposing the rulers and opposing the country? The difference between opposing religious fanatics and supporting islam? The difference between opposing some follies of ruling establishment and supporting Pakistan? Or they just categorize all the free thinkers as traitors who support Pakistan and who hate Hinduism and hate all Hindus? Funded by congress? These influencers behind this mass mindset change need to conduct courses in advertising! They do know the exact science of  influencing


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