
Showing posts from August, 2021

Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie

 Kambili is not actually a little girl. In fact she is a teenager but her life is that of child. Her life is completely controlled by her parents - her father. And  she even gets spanked with a belt for misdeeds. In spite of all these, she revers her father. Her father who is a rich industrialist, well respected in his community, donates generously to the church and has the courage to speak the truth to the military rulers.  But he is a tyrant for his wife and children. Because he knows what is "good" for them. A zealous catholic, he prays everyday for his father. That he be saved from hell - that is he also convert to Christianity.  When his children visit his sister, their grand father falls seriously ill. She Ifeoma - a university professor brings him home to take care of him. She does not consider it to be sin to care for his sick father even though he is a heathen.  When Kambili goes back home, her father burns her feet with boiling water because she and her brother stay

Pride and helloworld

 How many times can you feel extremely proud of your "helloworld" project? Hundred times? Thousand times? or the more popular word - trillion times?  I feel it depends on the difficulties you overcome to produce that line on your screen. Download and install - repeat trillion times. Not working. apt install 5 times. Not working. And so on.  Since I completed my Shataka app, I faced an utter chaos, losing my graphical interface, losing the keyboard and mouse interface in gui, then reinstallation of operating system after intense failed trials to recover lost gdm . Now once OS is up and running I do need my android. And it is not working. I think the Google god is some how angry with me. May be because I used duck-duck-go as a search engine in all my gadgets and tried to canvas against google to other people? Or may be people at android studio are really frustrated with me installing the software and not producing anything worthwhile? Ene agali, I have right only to my actions


I have been reading this book Purple Hibiscus by Chimmanda Ngozi Adiche. (Well, few minutes a day). And I was in a jijnase - perplexity. The narrator who is a teenage girl is having severe period pain. And her mother gives her Pandol tablets, but asks her to eat cereal before taking the tablet -well you should not preferably take a pain killer on empty stomach. Girl obliges. Unfortunately it was some religious fasting day and one is not supposed to eat before attending the church mass. Her father when he sees her with the cereal bowl gets angry and beats her, mother and brother with his belt.  Then that Sunday they all do a confession .  In my view, hitting your child for eating a breakfast is a bigger sin than breaking some fast by that sick child - yes period pain can be terrible. Do you agree? Or you think his violence punishment is justified? Now you say that I am being silly for arguing about a fiction. But often our concept of sin revolves around God and religious customs  not


 Download shataka app now!

My github page

 I made a few changes to my website. Added nice little icons next to app names. See the page here I also gimped few more screen shots of Shataka .


I fill my life with puzzles - as if HE already does not supply us with enough problems and puzzles. May be it's my way of keeping my gray cells intact. I watch netflix with a side dish of scrabble. After a tiresome chore of cleaning the house, I relax with a game of Sudoku.  I am sure my app Shataka is not so enticing, nor is it addicting. But it is my little contribution to the universe of puzzles.   

Shataka - a smart game for smarter people

The app I published - the same old Shataka (100) is alive.  If you want to play with numbers, you just need to download the app   Unlike Sudoku, which the people know, and always confuse my app with, this needs a little bit of math - just addition, and so some brain exercise. Install it, give it your children, tell your friends, share in your whatsapp groups, facebook posts - if and only if you like the app.