Pride and helloworld

 How many times can you feel extremely proud of your "helloworld" project? Hundred times? Thousand times? or the more popular word - trillion times? 

I feel it depends on the difficulties you overcome to produce that line on your screen. Download and install - repeat trillion times. Not working. apt install 5 times. Not working. And so on. 

Since I completed my Shataka app, I faced an utter chaos, losing my graphical interface, losing the keyboard and mouse interface in gui, then reinstallation of operating system after intense failed trials to recover lost gdm . Now once OS is up and running I do need my android. And it is not working.

I think the Google god is some how angry with me. May be because I used duck-duck-go as a search engine in all my gadgets and tried to canvas against google to other people? Or may be people at android studio are really frustrated with me installing the software and not producing anything worthwhile? Ene agali, I have right only to my actions - never to the fruits of those actions. Right?

Coming back to being proud, if you succeed after weeks of hard work (?), you are entitled to feeling a little proud. 

Talking about Gods, there is a temple in HSR layout, near Agara - Jagannatha temple. The architecture is quite different and what struck me is the idols. But it is beautiful and not crowded. I think, the idea was to construct some thing similar to Puri Jagannatha temple.  There are many of carvings on all the walls. And I think the Gopura is not dravidian style but nagara style.

But since it is on ring road, some road construction is going on and surrounding area is not pretty.


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