Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie

 Kambili is not actually a little girl. In fact she is a teenager but her life is that of child. Her life is completely controlled by her parents - her father. And  she even gets spanked with a belt for misdeeds. In spite of all these, she revers her father. Her father who is a rich industrialist, well respected in his community, donates generously to the church and has the courage to speak the truth to the military rulers. 

But he is a tyrant for his wife and children. Because he knows what is "good" for them. A zealous catholic, he prays everyday for his father. That he be saved from hell - that is he also convert to Christianity. 

When his children visit his sister, their grand father falls seriously ill. She Ifeoma - a university professor brings him home to take care of him. She does not consider it to be sin to care for his sick father even though he is a heathen. 

When Kambili goes back home, her father burns her feet with boiling water because she and her brother stayed in the same house as a heathen and did not inform their father. 

 Ah! The cruelty of good people!


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