Dasha hara

 I am not known to be reticent nor a prudent talker. I talk first and then worry. For days together. So when I am forced to keep quiet due to whatever, you can only guess my predicament. 

Anyways here I am, quiet, silent, not talking (blogging) about the things I feel deeply. 

It is again a festival time. This festival - dussera - is meant as the victory celebration of God Rama over Ravana. My partial reading of Wikipedia has put me in a conundrum. Is dussera = dasha + hara -> killing of dasha (ten) headed Ravana or it is dasha+ahara = ten days of prayers to the goddess? As a side note, do you think Ravana having ten heads indicates the evil is much too powerful for us?

But in our place in it is more of latter. Today being Vijaya Dashami marks the last day of prayers to Goddess. 

Do you notice there are two types of Gods ? Mild ones and scary ones. Saraswati - Sharada - Goddess of learning is the milder one. Where as Durga is stronger one. And you know that the chicken pox and other contagious diseases were called "dodda amma" and "sanna amma" in the good old days. If I am right, our government this year is planning to perform a puja to save us from "covid" amma. 

Like "Amma, we know that you mean well. But please spare us, your obedient servants... etc.. etc.."

This kind of appeasement could be the reason why our ancestors started praying to nature - sun, rain, wind, water etc. "Look, how powerful this rain is. He must be  all powerful God.  He could flood our home and destroy us completely in an instant. We should some how reduce his anger, so that he will be pleased with us and spare us and save us."

Can some one please make a youtube video on the origin of religion and Gods?


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