
 When I reluctantly opened my eyes today morning, there was sunshine. And I was exuberant. This sun who had abandoned us since last 4 days, has decided today to appear upon us and brighten our lives. I hear him saying, now I have this on writing, I will remind this proclamation to you in April. 

Anyways. I am trying to read a little bit of philosophy. OK, you caught my lie. I am listening to some podcasts and watching youtube videos. I am trying to understand the principle of absurd.


Yes, now it is more evident than ever. Whatever good, bad or world shattering things we do, they are all utterly meaningless. Our lives do not matter, our actions don't either. We may search for some meaning in life non-stop until our heads all turn grey -we can't any. Because there isn't one. 

Isn't that the "Myth of sissypus" tells us? Carrying a boulder up the hill using all his energy and more, but knowing too well that it is going to roll all the way down
Huh, I think it is better to be religious. That way we just think all this is just God's work and leave the burden on him - thinking and supposing that he will show us the way down. 
In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life, and the human inability to find these with any certainty

This absurd is everywhere. Everyone sees it and is either enraged or depressed by it. And they are searching for ways of coming out of it. Some resort to religions, some to materialism, some in helping the humanity. Others just try to numb it down using different forms of addictions. 

In the good old days, when people didn't know much, they would be highly religious. And religion would provide them value system to live by. It would keep the community together. And most important of all, it gave a purpose to life. 

Now, many people find it difficult to believe in religion and God. Modern day interpreters of religions aren't helping at all. May be it is time for yet another avatar to be born and lead us towards light!

Coming back to Sisypus, he continued his herculean but futile task because he accepted that it is God's plan for him. We don't know that for sure as we don't know the existence of God for sure. So we have no way to come out of this infinite loop. break or exit is not possible for us. And it is certainly impossible to return  to wombs where we came from.


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