Audio books

I have been currently reading 15 chapter of a book. Don’t  be so surprised I rather heard it,  instead of  reading. Easier, much easier.

You have heard about audible? No, I didn’t subscribe to audible. Being a middle class Indian of boomer generation, will I ever pay for a book which you can’t even hold in your hand? And pdf to kahin pe milta hoga? 

No I haven’t subscribed to audible. But found free version called librivox where volunteers read books - most of them classics. So I started with moon and the six pence, and completed 15 chapters. 

It also gave me some step counts for two days. Double benefit! 

Now, the book is about an a man named Stradler. Who at the age 40 runs away to Paris. Leaving behind his well paying job as a stock broker, a pretty wife and two children. But unlike most flights of similar nature, he didn’t run away with his secretary or a waitress. He ran away to become a painter. When confronted by the protagonist he tells him “ i took care of her for 17 years. Now let her take care of herself”.

But his wife is outrageous and is certain that he will never come back. She also recollects that in the early years of marriage she would chafe him about his painting as he was no good at it. Why didn’t he tell her that he wanted to become an artist instead of running away. She wouldn’t have stopped him. Now the narrator tells that Stradler is willing to divorce her if she so desires. She wouldn’t want to. 

Thank you good people at librivox, for helping us- stingy old people, read some great works by great authors, so that we can bore non-existent readers of our blogs. 


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