The journey

 She started her journey with lots of trepidation.

For once she would explore not the contents of pantry, not explore some social media contents, but real life situations. That was not a very comforting idea for her. Always hiding, always avoiding social situations, she had managed some how to live like this all these fifty six years. 

But now the situation called for it, she had to do this thing, and alone. She started studying google maps religiously. OK, it is not bad at all, it's one straight road - almost. When there is a signal, one has to keep left, easy thing to do. She can do it - she decided after hours of study.

What she had not anticipated was rain - that God Varuna who has become very arrogant and violent these days. But again, it' only drizzling, will not matter so much. At some point during the day, rain has  to stop, shouldn't it - she reasoned. 

Equipping herself with a jacket and of course a helmet and a strong - eh, somewhat dillydallying will, she launched on. Did she check if the jacket is water proof? Negative - oh, she doesn't have a single planning cell in her body.

But the helmet didn't have a face cover to stop rain from badgering her face. Then she realized something, and slowed down a little and adjusted the face mask. That was a relief - to some extent. 

She would try to take shelter under the fly over when ever possible. And slow down, when there is a larger vehicle blocking her away, too afraid to over take. 

The "journey" was going well, she was recognizing many buildings and some roads. That's good. But almost near the end, she missed her path and took a straight road instead of left. 

What followed was panic, attempts to look at GPS and try to understand where on earth she was, some begging  "please sir, can I park my vehicle here and take an auto from here. I promise I will come back and take it". None of these were successful. 

But because earth is round and she speaks the local language she finally arrived at her destination. May be there is a God after all, and is not so vengeful as she imagined.

That was just half of the journey. Because she has to come home in the evening, driving again. When the rain is harsher, roads are darker and people are meaner. Added to these is the fact that many roads have ankle deep water. Slightly afraid when wading through water, but asking the road frequently, she finally reached home, exhausted, dripping water but relieved. 

So, an advice, if I may. Many of us ladies have not ventured out in the past one and a half year. We were told to stay inside and we obliged. Now if at all you plan to start your Bangalore road adventure, make sure that the sky is clear and you are GPS enabled. 


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