Razor's edge

Proud of the success of completing a book in less than a month, I started my next book - The razor's edge. 

As I have been lamenting innumerable times, my reading has taken a backseat and has almost fallen off. That's the reason I was pleasantly surprised to complete the book "The moon and sixpence". Apparently, this title was taken from his famous book "Of human bondage" - he was so much absorbed in his attempt to reach moon that he could not see the six pence at his feet. 

With the second book, I realized why I am able to read this books effortlessly, not feeling as if it is a chore. These books have lot of no, not pictures - sadly. They have lot of conversations. Ha, I am really childish. Want to read good books, but not boring (read serious) ones. 

This book also has the same pattern - the narrator discussing the life and nature of a person. But is the person in question Elliot Templeton - the smart businessman who knew how to climb the social ladder or Larry - the young man who just wants to loaf and read books until he can realize the meaning and purpose of life.

Templeton's niece Isabel is engaged to Larry, an orphan ex-soldier who has all the smarts and means but does not want to take up any job. He has some very unpleasant experience in the war but does not want to talk about it. He also feels that there is more to life than just material success. He does not know what it is and is searching. To help him in his quest for knowledge, Isabel encourages him to go Paris. After few months, when she visits him in Paris, he has not found the meaning or purpose. But he is learning Latin and Greek and has read many a books. 

Louisa - Isabel's mother says that Larry is not coming back to Chicago because he is living here with a woman. Though Isabel knows this to be ridiculous, she visits his apartment. She is shocked, it is very tiny, dingy and sad. 

May be this visit helps her decide. She gives him an ultimatum. Does he want to come back to Chicago and take up a job. If not, they can't be engaged any more. Because she wants to have all kinds of luxuries in life. A beautiful home, pretty jewelry and dresses, rich and famous social circle. And these things do need money - which means he has to take up a job.

Larry is not upset but declines. He is not willing to leave his quest for knowledge. He tries to convince her that she can be happy with him without all the material things. They can live in Paris happy together with the small allowance he is getting.

Isabel breaks her engagement.


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