Great expectations and disappointments

Once upon a time I attended one year course in counseling. Why did I ever join that? I am not a people person and I can not talk good to strangers. 

May be the reason was my counselor was rude to me and I decided I will become somebody's non-rude counselor. And at the end of the course, I didn't try for any counseling jobs, paid or voluntary. 

I just learned some jargon - and most of which I have already forgotten. 

But I remember a story one of my classmates in that course had narrated. No, I don't remember the story as much as the conclusion. We are angry, disappointed, furious many times with our close family members - spouses, siblings, parents, children, because we have expectations from them and often they are not met. Where as strangers are fine, because we don't have any expectations, and even if they smile at us, that is very pleasant and welcome surprise for us. 

We often do most things with some kind of expectations and when we are disappointed, we try out all possible whatif scenarios in our head - none of them good. 

But most of us are not stoic. Though we quote, read this from Bhagavadgita million times, we can't put into practice. 

कर्मण्येव अधिकरस्ते मा फलेषू कदाचन 

There in lies the cause of misery and rift.

So, expect nothing and accept most things. 

(I see some such trivialities in a twitter feed called self care tips)


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