A tragic attack

I am talking about the book “bel canto” here by Ann Patchett. The story starts with a birthday party in honour of Japanese businessman thrown in a South American city. The party is attended by all rich and famous people and many foreign dignitaries. And there is an opera by a famous singer Roxanne Cass. Who is the only reason, Hosakawa has agreed to attend this party and has no intention of investing in this country. There is also Vice President present, a small man both in appearance and stature. The actual president cancelled at the last moment as he didn’t want to miss his favourite tv show.

Roxanne is singing beautifully. Then all went dark. All the lights are off, and surprisingly even the candles on the tables are not glowing. Grabbing this opportunity, the accompanist kissed Roxanne.

After a minute or two, lights come back. But people realise that they are being surrounded by terrorists. Who are literally dirty, are wearing torn shoes and are of age from 14 to 20. They don’t look scary at all.

The general of this group asks for the president. After some pause, Vice President announces himself. He is shot, but not fatally. 

All the guests are asked to lie down on the floor. The terrorist group confiscates all weapons or things which can be used as weapons from the house and guests. But they don’t take any jewellery or money. 

So it is kind of failed coup, don’t you think?

But for me it was a nice change from Murukami’s book Norwegian wood. Which even though did not have talking cats or fish falling from sky, was quite uninteresting. A story of a young man and his friend struggling to overcome the death of their friend, unsuccessfully. 

Roxane’s music had different magics on people. For Japanese businessman Yokosawa whose passion about operas had  started in childhood. He was 4 years old when he attended his first opera in Tokyo with his father. Since then opera became his passion. He started collecting albums of operas, listening to them religiously. Even now, when all of them are held hostage, are made to lie down on the floor by a group of terrorists, he feels relieved when his translator says, they may release the women and children. At least Roxanne will be free he thought, and she can attend another opera in Argentina. 

Father Arguedas, a priest started listening to opera music, in university library when he was studying for priesthood. He would be drawn to another world by the music. But then he was worrying about this sin. One day he confessed about his sin but he was told that art is not sin. 

Now here in the party hall, he was glad when the terrorists asked them to lie down on the floor. Because he needed to lie down after listening to the beautiful music in person. He is very happy indeed unmindful of the situation he is in.

He also calls one of the terrorists leaning on their guns and falling asleep on them. “Son”, he calls. He advises him to lie down on floor as he is afraid for this boy’s safety. The boy stopped his eyes from welling up. 

And these terrorists - they are all boys, young boys as young as 14 but with guns. One of them Ishmael observes General Benjamin and Hosokawa playing chess every day with keen interest.

General Benjamin is playing chess to forget the pain of his gangrened face. So this Ishmael watches them every day and one day he requests the general that he be allowed to watch with the winner. General Benjamin is amused - this village boy who did not anything about chess wants to play. But he allows him to play. And surprised to watch this lad play so well. 

Yet another boy, Ceasar watches Roxane Coss sing with so much passion. And one fine day, when Roxane Coss does not come to sing, he starts to sing her song in equally melodious voice, exactly like her. 

And there are two girls too. One of them Carmen, a beautiful girl wants to learn Spanish from the translator Gen and then she wants to learn English.

If only these kids had normal childhood!

When the 'terrorists' are realizing that they have other - better sides too, and they are trying to lead almost normal life, something happens.

Roxane observes a new person walking fast towards her disciple Cesar with a gun. Before she can realize what was happening, Cesar is shot and the stranger with the gun has become two, then four, then eight. And they are everywhere.

Roxane screams and tries to cover the bleeding Cesar's body. But what's the use? Soldiers are inside the house and shoot every terrorist. Including the generals. Including the girl Beatrize. Including the chess player Ishmael who was offered a job by Micheal and offered adoption by the vice president. Including Carmen who heard Roxane's scream and she along with Hosokawa are coming towards her. Including Hosakawa who tries to protect Carmen.

That is how the hostage drama ends. All terrorists and most hostages released. Isn't it a win for the government? Or a loss for mankind? 


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