Nee Problem

 I must have realized that staying in this cozy (read tiny) apartment and staying inside always, will have consequences. Other than not catching corona. (But I did catch it though).

Now, the moment I step out of the house, my knees start complaining, then shouting and then screaming. They don’t like walking either.

But why am I glorifying this natural, age related, inactivity related arthritis? Because, normally I do not have knee pain and I do walk at least 1000 steps. Walking round and round inside the 'cozy' house, like a toddler. 

What I have is ankle pain, not knee pain.

Then knee pain which appears when I go outside, must have some thing to do with at least hundred steps each shop has in our dear Bangalore a. But again, can you really  blame the shopkeepers for having these hundreds of steps? They do not want to get flooded each time it rains, knowing our dear Bangalore.

 (Of course I am exaggerating, I don't think these areas will be water logged in rainy season unlike many other residential areas. )

So I drag my howling knees to a shop in search of a saree petticoat. Because google maps had told me earlier that the shop is in this particular street. I see residential buildings everywhere,  no shops in sight. Finally I spot a tailoring shop and I conclude, these people will definitely know. I ask a person there  whether there is a "matching centre" on this road. And he informs me that those people have packed and left. But I have no sympathy for their tragedy. I worry about where else can I get my saree petticoat. 

But see, my luck is not completely rotten, because as I come to main road, I spot another shop on the opposite side basement whose name is partially hidden. But I can read "ing". Aha, I got my matching center. I drag my feet to the other side of the road and purchase the damn piece of clothing.

Next come medicines. I climb yet another 1000 steps and go inside a hospital building, a lady watching and wondering at my circus. This is having a 24 hours pharmacy according to the hoarding outside. But she does not have my medicine.

I come home. I try online stores which sell medicines - 1mg, appolopharmacy etc. These sites just freeze in my phone. Now medicine delivery websites have been added to the long list of sites which are not working for me. 

So long story short, I have decided- yet another time, to walk each day for at least 15 minutes. So that the next time I go out, I don't look like Dr House, sans the cane. (But cane may not be such a bad idea, in these never ending covid times, instead of clutching onto railings and catching the virus).

I am not sure about the title of the post, because my woes are relatively trivial and I was definitely not murdered by a cop pressing his knee on my throat.


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