I walk there every day and I observe the road being muddied - dust mixed with water making a wet red muddy surface. Though not a big hurdle, it is not a very pleasant experience to walk there. 

So I wondered how does the road get wet here every morning without any rain. Today I saw the revelation - a lady standing in front of her house was spraying water onto the road. Aha, I can relate to her. Having your home next to a main road is like standing in a shower of dust. The omnipresent dust never ends - it is on your furniture, on your doors and windows, on your curtains. You clean it every day and it comes back immediately. So she is trying to reduce this dust pollution by spraying water to the road - the culprit. 

How I wish I could so easily see others' viewpoints for everyone of my problems.

Yes, the dust. I see a small temple on my walks. Shutter happy me, why don't I click it already?

Because this temple is coated with a layer of dust. So are all the buildings, trees, plants and everything else. Does this not happen in Bangalore too? Or do the dwellers there meticulously wash the surfaces each day? 

But the interior roads are so much prettier here - adorned with coconut and betelnut other trees everywhere, colorful flowers, and tall, majestic plants. But wonder, what will happen in another 10-20 years. The older people here would be very old, their kin would be in cities. Who will take care care of their homes? Will this town look like a deserted town?


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