Kroora darshana

 The sold out media, godi media, mouth pieces of the government - yes, we gave plenty of names to them. But to what purpose? They have not stopped their venom spewing work, or nama keertane of congress or shameless sycophancy. 

And unfortunately they have so many followers, who believe, who want to believe the endless lies being spread in the name of news and discussion. 

Not a single issue of any importance to common man is raised by these tv channels. Inflation, what is it? Unemployment, hate politics, suppression of dissent? Never heard of these things. Not in this great country being "ruled by" god fearing, extremely patriotic, rulers who are born to make our country "great again". 

But seriously, every evening during dinner time, I feel my head will split. I want to scream and shout and hit television or bang my head. I can't take their brazen lies any more.

And the name kroora darshana - which I copied from some youtube channel is apt. Because in their zealous, passionate efforts to please the rulers, these people are dividing the nation. They are poisoning the minds of people and youth - as has been seen in sulli and bulli apps. 

So my question is where are the sane voices of the nation? Are they being targeted and silenced by rulers, institutions and media? And may be pegasus? If everyone is being silenced, is the time far away when our country becomes another north korea or afghanistan?


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