God knows


God knows is such a beautiful book at times comic, at times sad. Few more quotes from the book. (yes,  I am still reading it.)

He (Moses) was as nearly perfect as it is possible for a human to be. He asked nothing for himself and nothing is what he got.

"It takes very little to make us (women) happy and more than what is contained in heaven and earth to keep us that way" says Abigail - one of Kind David's wives.

"....My father, the king was mad. Then I realized something worse. The Lord my God was also mad. And when I realized that, I began to weep. My heart was broken and I did not care" says Jonathan King David's enemy Saul's son. 

Solomon talks of building luxurious temples.

"Isn't that all highly extravagant?...How will you pay for it" Asks king David.

"I will tax and spend, tax and spend"  (Now we know Indian politicians have read this one book for sure)

"No I have never understood why I've never been your favorite" complains Solomon.

"And I guess you will never. Fools hate knowledge"

"Shall I write that down?" (Solomon keeps writing  all great(!) quotes in a tablet)

"I can see you've been thinking" says King David sarcastically.

"I think a lot. I try to think at least one hour a day...."

And all this coming from the famous wise Solomon! Can't say whether David feels pity for his son or contempt.

God has decided to punish David for his crimes says Nathan. "He will let the punishment fit the crime"

David asks "Can't he turn the other cheek?"

Joab advises David and this has been followed by everyone to this day

"Do unto others what is best for you"


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