Stone mattress

She hears him frequently. He even gives her useful suggestions. He consoles her when she is upset. But Ewan is not visible.

She has not lit the fire place since he has stopped becoming visible.  She is not ready to tell herself even herself also that he is dead. As if it some how is betrayal. And it will hurt him.

She declines the offer by her sons and their spouses to come and stay with them. She wants to stay in her own house. Her and Ewan's house and of course  - Aphinland.

Aphinland is the fantasy world she had created in her youth. It is an exciting world with dragons, demons, hexes, weapons, forts etc. She has written many books on this land and sold them. 
Her publishers want her to join social network to promote the sale of her books. But she does not need more money. What can money do? It could  not even cure Ewan's tumor.

This is how the story goes. What I liked about the book is that it is in large print - soothing for eyes. Or I liked it because I am reading a female narrator's book after a long time. Or because the story line is unique and different. And the style is poetic.

Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood a short story collection. My rating - 4.5/5


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