Anishtakkondu angaraka

 Once upon a time, if something went wrong - as things go wrong often, the order of blames used to be - spouse, government and luck (kismet, adrashta).

There is a saying in Kannada - anishtakkondu angaraka (anishta - adversity)- Angaraka is planet Mars. So if anything goes wrong, this little planet got the blame.

Same was true with spouses -  you burnt a vessel forgetting to switch off the gas stove. Of course, it is his fault, he was angering you, as he always does. By not responding to you or by praising his mother or sisters or by not buying some other cooking stove etc. 

You spill oil on the floor and the fault was of your spouse, hurrying you for his breakfast not seeing how busily you are cooking without even taking time to breathe. 

And next to get blamed was the government - it doesn't provide roads, electricity, water. Up to our high standards. It just collects our taxes for suitcases, foreign trips of ministers, and their swiss accounts. 

But now the order has changed, drastically. 

The first to be blamed still remains your spouse, no respite for him/her. 

Second one is not government but the ruler - who ruled the country fifty years ago or who ruled five hundred years ago.

What is the logic behind this? Don't ask me. It's beyond me.

And the third person/s to be blamed for all our ills is/are opposition parties. Did you know that Covid was a disease produced in the labs funded by opposition parties? Did you know that they have secret arrangement with our enemy countries like Pakistan/China and try all possible methods to destroy our country and its reputation? Etc.

May be we should modify the proverb as anishtakkondu neharu 


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