Omnipotent gadget

 I saw a meme which said Do not sit on the floor until you have a plan on how to get up. I found it hilarious and immediately put it as my status. Yes, that is my status. 

And today the meme I am of Take the photo of the label in your mobile and zoom it and read age. Again so accurate. I do it on a daily basis.

So all these old - sorry oldish age jokes and memes, are so funny. To us - old-ish people. And we make such jokes thinking that see, I am laughing at myself. So, please laugh at my joke and wit, but not me. We know this effort is almost futile, like all self deprecatory statements. But still worth trying nonetheless. 

I also read or watched some comedian saying we need to shoot all the people over 60.  Wow, such efficiency. But really, we don't mind. We would be glad. To stop counting days to end.

Suddenly feeling old? Not sure. I should not feel old for another month or so. I have dyed my hair, you see. 

We talked about using your mobile for reading labels. Is there anything a mobile doesn't do for you? (May not lift you up from floor - yet!. But other than that?) I had to attend a wedding recently. So I thought I will wear my expensive looking watch. I even bought matching bangles - that was a struggle. Buying something for rare wear. So why pour lot of money on it? And the salesman saw my struggle and told me there is nothing appropriate for me in the shop. Anyways. 

So I decided to wear the watch. But it is dead. I went in search of a watch repair shop. Being new to the area, I went quite far and finally got a shop. Parked my scooter, and climbed the stairs (groan). Ha, the shop is closed for lunch break. 

The watch stayed dead. Cursing the omnipotent mobile phone. 

I wonder, sooner or later, our faces will be replaced by mobile. The mobile curses, and talks, and listens. So why need a face - which is so exorbitant to maintain. Two hands, two legs, a torso and a mobile? 

Don't laugh at the idea, that day may eventually come.

Now already our brains are almost replaced by the mobile. Which remembers, reminds, gives information, calculates, navigates. We are happy to out source our only powerful organ (here I am talking about people of my age). Which may mean, the unused brain will start shrinking and will eventually become extinct.


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