Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva

 I struggle to keep my promises - usually to myself - regarding some basic stuff like exercising, not binge eating etc. 

And I realize that if I were a religious person, I would have fasted on certain days, I would have prayed regularly etc etc. That would have brought some discipline in my life. But, alas! I am not.

So I think, as a imposer of values, forbidder of bad habits, God and religion are quite efficient. 

But they certainly fall short in facing propaganda. Unfortunately so, for the world and all its citizens. 

I accept, in spite of my frequent outbursts against religion,  being religious is a good thing. For self and for those around. But some times, you fall prey to so called interpreters of  of these religions- who intentionally or unintentionally mis-translate your/others scriptures  - very very wrongly.

Let us look at another angle. See, the religious people of all color and hue, accept that God is like our father and mother. It says so explicitly  in all the religions. Our Hinduism says "Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva" - you are mother and you are father. 

And we all love, respect and adore our parents, don't we? Most times. 

But does that mean, we dislike, disrespect or hate parents of other people? Of course, we don't.

(In-laws are an exception. But we actually don't hate our in laws. We are occasionally upset with them for the way in which they have brought up their children . )

So we indicate to others - I know you respect your parents, and you love them. Just like I respect and love my own parents.

Then why on the earth, we don't show the same courtesy to their Gods?

Why on earth can't we tell others that  I pray to my God. I depend on him, I pray to him, I celebrate festivals in his name. You do your prayers to your God. 

As simple as that.  Why don't we do that?

Could have avoided so many wars, deaths and disasters. And genocides too.

But who will listen to me?


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