You switch on the TV and you go about doing your chores. Or you switch on some youtube video - some home maintenance or recipe - which you will never use and you start doing some work.

The idea is, the chatter outside helps you to stop or at least pause the chatter inside. Because no one likes 'itani sannata' -  the quietude for extended period of time. That must be the reason why old ladies adopt cats. Will I adapt a cat when I am old - much older than I am now? I may not. Because laziness trumps loneliness. 

I have seen this hack working with insomnia too. When you find it very hard to fall asleep, start listening to some inane youtube video. Your mind is distracted and hence calmed and you fall asleep after a while. Podcast was my sleeping pill of choice for quite a long time. Now, when every Tom, Dick and Harry has his own podcast, when every Ram, Bheem and Shyama has his/her own podcast, I find most of them useless - as somniferous tool. 

And talking of podcasts - I have started listening to Times of India podcasts. Though I  dislike that newspaper group, the podcast is not so bad. We do need to listen to news. How long can one listen to self improvement talks, knowing too well that one doesn't intend to put those into practice?

Yesterday I watched the movie - Freddy. Which is OK as a psychological thriller. But after a read a review, I agreed with the review and decided it wasn't 'daravani' at all. Thriller should be that, right?



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