I finally completed first book of the year. Shame, right? Considering I have 18 hours free. 

Anyways, the book was 'The moonstone', by Wilkie Collins. A kind of detective work - which explains why I could finish it at all. 

And the funny reason for selecting this book - I started hearing it in Audible. Being detective work and all, I couldn't understand half of it. So had to search for 'readable' book and read it. 

This audible - the app where you can listen to books, I have almost stopped using it. I use FM radio or some news podcast while walking. But still, feel disinclined to stop the subscription. 

Like a typical Indian, I have been adding many of the free books - which are 'included' in my subscription. And like a typical Indian, I am just saving my credits, for something worthwhile to buy. And I can buy the books, after I finish listening to the books (free books) in my library. 

On the whole, if it is directing me towards books, it is worth the money I spend monthly (which is just 200 per month). 

Why should I read the books? How is reading a novel, in any way better than watching a movie or a series in OTT? You tell me, because the books makes me feel better, calmer and some times happier. 

May be the gray cells tell "Aha, happy that you made us work out well today, Thank you, and here are some serotonin for you!"

So the next book will be 'The sons' by Pearl Buck. Unfortunately I am unable to read it online.


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