OK, I am happy with the way this translation of Kathopanishat is coming out. The verses are simple to understand enough. The concepts are simple so far. Not at all like Ishopanishat.

I have translated first valli - section. So far Yama (the lord of death) has tried to entice Nachiketa with all kinds of earthly pleasures, instead of imparting the  knowledge of death and thereafter. But in vain.

I would have given up such knowledge - for what use is the knowledge which may depress you, may even terrify you or at the most may pacify you for a while. 

More over why should one know what happens after death? When one finds it difficult to understand what is happening when one is alive. Isn't this knowledge more essential for us mortals?

Yama, teach me how to lead a life where I can be peaceful and help others in whatever little ways I can. In exchange for that I am willing to come to your loka whenever you are willing to take me. Utha le, Yama, whenever, wherever.

That's what I would have asked. But I am not the one who has waited for three days and three nights at Yama's door and thus entitled with three boons from mighty God of death.

Changing topics,  a man or a woman needs raison d'etre - reason for existence. On a day to day basis. 

Once we have a hunch of this, life starts going smoother, obstacles start seeming not so daunting. And we will have the will to get up - from bed, from couch, from the slumber. 

And yes, for me, currently it is Upanishads into Kannada. 

Cortisol the stress hormone needs something to counter it. If that is dopamine - it will end very badly. But if you use serotonin for this purpose, your life will sail smoothly - slightly smoothly. And as a bonus, you may achieve something too.

(This is the thing I learnt yesterday from a youtube short :( and raison d'etre from a 12 year old in a Netflix series)

Let me see, Upanishads are more spiritual than religious. 

So next time you would like to know about atma, jeeva and raison d'etre, don't go in search of a guru or some baba, just read an Upanishad. Or watch them on youtube. In a language of your choice. 

In other news, there was suddenly a drama and dance around linking of pan card and aadhar card. The deadline was approaching. No one was sure how to do it. But everyone was sure that if you can't link them by month end, you will be dead. Sorry, your pan card will be dead. 

Many questions - most important one being, the banks which would require your pan card for everything, are they not supposed to inform you about this draconian - ish law? 

Of course, I did get an sms from a bank. After I did link the two. Co-incidence? 

And now the deadline is extended, there will be less drama. 

And was there not a supreme court ruling against making aadhar mandatory? So it is not mandatory for other things, only for financial transactions?


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