All 8 declensions in one shloka


Jan 15 2017
I happened to come across a shloka ( Sanskrit verse) like this ( in Quora!!)

रामो राजमणि सदा विजयते रामम रामेशं भजे
रामेण अभिहिता निशाचरचमू रामाय तस्मै नमः
रामान नास्ति परायणं परतरं रामस्य दासोस्म्यहं
राम चित्तलया भवतु में हे रामा माम उद्धर

OK. I might have broken some sandhis here and there.

So what is so great about this shloka? If you think that  "reciting this thrice a day will make your life easier", you are wrong. I have been reciting it for more than 5 years and my life is anything but easy.

There is some thing unique in this shloka. It has all the 8 vibhaktis (declensions) of Sanskrit akaaranta pullinga.

A nice way to remember the grammar. And an added bonus of "punya prapti"!


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