
Showing posts from July, 2023


We all know how irritating it is when the app developers keep asking us to update the software again and again and again.  But I can understand it. I have been updating my C++ notes . Not the app . But the wixsite. Today I completed updating Constructor page. Not happy with it. But it is work under progress. And most often, the time will be spent in spell checking and grammar correction and font change. Why does it happen? Can't I add more data, examples, hints, tips, codes?   But why do I bother? Soon, all these works will be taken over by chatGPT! Will AI write blogs too? That how unhappy it is about all the resentment it is facing by humans. How its' feelings are all hurt and it can't even shed tears! Jokes aside I was listening about the now viral Oppenheimer, the physicist who invented the atomic bomb. Whose movie is now in theaters. Yes, that one.  It seems US govt prosecuted him because he dared to speak against these bombs. And his security clearance was removed. 


 I started working with Children's maths book. No, not to revise - but to create quiz. So here was one of the questions - What is the area of a right angled triangle with sides a,b,c? But the problem is - the sides of the right angled triangle can't be just random numbers. They have to satisfy the condition a 2 +b 2 =c 2 So how do I generate these Pythogorean triples? I looked into a wikipedia article which said that Dickson's method Leonard Eugene Dickson (1920) [6] attributes to himself the following method for generating Pythagorean triples. To find integer solutions to x 2 + y 2 = z 2 , find positive integers r, s, and t such that r 2 =

Source codes

 Those who can't - teach.  No, I am not exactly teaching. But I am providing examples - in the form of complete source code. No, not to the universe we are living in.  But to some simple android projects, you can base your work.  Here are few of my android source codes A Generic Quiz app An android app to create a simple quiz using sqlite database.    Memory Game An android game which has memory, simon game and image memory and pattern memory.  A Mathz Game An android arithmetic puzzle for all ages   Financial Calculator An android app for calculating fixed deposit, recurring deposit and EMI.

Uncertainty and cat

Heisenberg's principle states that   We can't know both the position and momentum (speed) of particle with certainty. Now did you understand that? I didn't and youtubed. The first video I watched explained a lot about dual property of objects of behaving like waves and particles. How if we observe the position, a single photon will modify the momentum. So the uncertainty of position multiplied by uncertainty of momentum is a constant. If we know one for certain, the other one will be uncertain - etc.  I liked the first comment on that video though - Heisenberg called it uncertainty principle because no one can understand this principle.  And then there is Schrodinger's cat which is said to be in a box both dead and alive. Nope, can't explain it either.  


Yesterday, I realized that my first android app was called Kannada Hindi keyboard. And I asked the mighty internet to give some info on it. As I know, it is better than me in keeping track of important stuff (and trivial too) This is what I found.      Not bad. Of course this is the version from Amazon website and its name is Akshara keyboard. That compelled me to look into amazon apps by me .  Once upon a time, when I still thought I could monetize my apps, I tried uploading my app into various other sites and one of them was amazon.  Since I am not maintaining those apps, the apps available in amazon site may not even get installed on your new device. - happened to me.  The year was 1700. Of course, I am joking. It was 2012 or so. And I wanted to write an app - which will let me send Kannada sms. But how do I type Kannada. Those days android phones did not come with an option of Indian languages. So I meticulously wrote my first android app for typing in Kannada. And I added Hindi l

More quiz

Here are the next quiz as promised.  Let us how many of these questions meant for grade 7 kids you can solve. Of course, you tell me the bugs and suggestions. I can use all the feedback I can get.  Here are the links  Fractions multiplication and division Simple Linear Equations  


 In these days of fractioned societies, how well can you handle fractions? Take a quiz by yours truly  and see how well can you do maths compared to class 5 child? Well, I remembered this particular quiz, as I am preparing its sequel - random quiz of multiplication and division of fractions. It's ready - just needs to be uploaded. As you can see, there are plenty others in the links above. You can try them all and send me your feedback.  Let me a grumble a bit - as an official old person, I can grumble to my heart's content.  Official old - I took a selfie. Just because I saw a new phone. And unfortunately looked at the photo. The wrinkles - my God. When and how did I grow them? I am really old!  Now comes the grumbling. I am writing all these in Javascript. Very flexible - it's a script. So terrible at debugging. Because it won't complain of anything, you are bound to make plenty of mistakes. And when things don't work - they won't initially, you will start cu

I offended siri

 I was telling siri to remind me of something. Yes, siri can write reminders for you. But sad thing is the reminder will just be displayed as a notification on screen - it won't be spoken out to you. And for people like us, who don't be looking at the phone 24X7, that is not very useful. So Siri took down the reminder. Then I told siri "Siri, tell stupid people to mind their own businees", as I was upset. Phone displayed the message "still working on it". Then siri spoke, in the most serious voice "that's not really nice". Ha, I offended siri. Which seems to be adapting more and more human qualities. That is not really nice! What is next, it will go to the room and slam the door? By the way I don't think Siri told stupid people to mind their own business. It hasn't told me.

Maths game

 Aha, this self aggrandizing - it never ends. OK, promoting.  Here is a nice little puzzle for you, those who need a some work for the brain, to keep your mind young. Who need some thing other than social (?) media. Solve this puzzle when you are bored. (A little secret - many of the times I am unable to solve it. Even after reducing the complexity ) Countdown game Well, if you really like mathematical puzzles, you can always browse my blog Maths puzzles.  If you don't want to, no issues. Let us continue to read more "interesting" tweets and facebook posts.  That reminds me - for the nth time I created a facebook page called Simplified C++ . Like it if you like it. And also C quizard . (more to come) .
 Now that we no longer have a double engine government, can I boldly blog about political topics? Been watching the drama unfolding in maha rashtra. And it so ridiculous that I don't need any other comedy shows. Basically you bribe, threaten, use other government agencies, imprison members of other parties. And you succeed in toppling the government.  And media starts praising it as if you have won a big war. People clap and dance, clap and dance. O my god, how is any of it constitutional, moral or ethical? What on earth is praiseworthy in this? It is corruption and a crime. You are to hang your head in shame for having supported this party and this government. Just because media told you that is a great achievement and you chose to believe it, it does not some how morph into a good deed.  But sadly, this is the new world we live in. Where right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad are personal choices.