I was watching "Hitchhiker's guide to Galaxy". It is so much easier than reading the book by Douglas Adams. 

But I don't think the movie is as funny as the book is. And not really easy too. The ugly monster like creatures from other planets are not very pleasant to the eyes. Now I remember I dislike scifi films and series. 

But anyways, there are two things which were really interesting. There is a this robot Marvin who was designed to have emotions by its creators. And he is always mopey and sad and depressed. Like even if he/it looks at a beautiful rose, it will say "What is the point? In a few hours, it will just wither away". Always grumbling, always always. Like many of us. Glass half empty kind of attitude.

And then there was some kind of fight going on. A huge army of Vogonites - people from planet Vogon - huge monster kind of creatures are attacking our hero and heroine and their friends. Suddenly this Marvin shoots a gun at them. Which beams a ray and makes all these Vogonites depressed. They all just fall back on earth, lie on the floor and start brooding about the meaninglessness of everything.

May be, unknowingly we are all shot by such a gun, such a ray. But instead of making us all depressed, it has made us angry and hateful. Towards everyone and ourselves. We find fault with everyone and dislike everyone. Because we are angry with ourselves and don't want to admit it. We have become one big world of Yadavi people - fighting fiercely with our brothers and sisters for no reason. 


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