
There are really some good Hindi serials in Netflix. Like Patal lok, Leela or even City of Dreams. Though City of dreams loses its charm after first season - my feeling. You can add Scoop to the list. 

Scoop is a story of brave, honest journalist. Don't start laughing at the oxymoron yet, such people do exist - at least in fictitious world. 

The honest journalist is Jagrati Pathak - yes, she is a woman, a single parent and a mother of a 10 year old. 

She tries to unearth the unholy nexus between mafia and Mumbai police. A very brave and wrong step as it proves to be. 

She pays for this snooping dearly. She is accused of murdering a fellow journalist Sen with the help of a mafia don chota rajan. She is arrested under MCOCA -organized crime offence - as she could be a part of the mafia. She is arrested along with 11 other people. Because of the gravity of charges, she is denied bail. 

Once in jail, she realizes her bravery, her education, intelligence, money - nothing helps her in that hell. She is ill treated by the warden, and her fellow inmates. She is beaten, verbally abused and starved. 

So the moral of the story is (if you still believe in morals), it's one way journey to hell if you antagonize the mighty and powerful. 

Well, if you watch this series, you will completely stop blaming Navika, Arnab, Rahul and their look alikes. You really don't wish those people to end up like Jagrathi - how much ever you dislike their shows. 

By the way, the serial is based on real story- the memoir 'Behind bars in Byculla - my days in prison' by a journalist Jigna Vora.


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