Water, water, nowhere

Being resident of Bangalore - what other title can I give to my post? 

If you are not aware, Bangalore is facing is a major water crisis. And there were no summer rains either. And the mercury is soaring. Competing with the price-rise. 

Today there was an advice to the residents in the newspaper -  hydrate, drink tender coconut, butter milk, fruit juices. Etc, etc. And also preferably eat home cooked meal. 

I wondered about the last piece of advice. Why can't one hydrate in a restaurant or nearest watering hole ;)? Then I remembered. 

Just last week I was traveling from one end of the earth to the other end. Sorry - hyperbole! I was just traveling from west end of Bangalore to east end. But it sure felt like I was traveling across the entire earth. 

I took plenty of breaks though. At every #$## traffic signal. Which there were plenty.

After awhile I decided - I need an actual break - where I can sit on something other than my scooter. And I need to drink something other than fumes of vehicles. So I stopped the vehicle and darted to the nearest restaurant. I  ordered a mosambi juice. 

And was watching the cook make the juice. He juiced two mosambis - strained the juice. And then to extract the residual juice from strainer, he took the strainer to the tap, took the tap water and poured it on the strainer and extracted the 'extra' juice. All the while, I was gaping. What on the earth is he doing? Here I am, who rinses her rice once again with filtered water, not tap water, before cooking it. And he is making juice from tap water. And giving it to me!  How abominable!

So what action did I take? Did I fight with him? No. Did I politely reject the juice and came home? No. Did I ask him to make the juice all over again? No.

I just accepted the juice and gulped it, being the timid Indian I am. Renouncing my fate to 'Ram bharose'.  But Ram did help me (this time). He had to be cautious - what with the upcoming elections and all ;).

So, yes, the advice is correct.  Eat and drink at home and stay safe.

By the way, I plan to take a little break from Bangalore. Until, some how this problem is resolved. No, I am not going to the ocean to be surrounded by water. I am going to my home town where they still have water in the wells. 



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