
 Continuing my efforts with "maha" bharatha, I tried reading the story of Shantanu.

Shantanu was the king of Hastinapur and was the son of Prateepa. He spent most of his time hunting. May be because, his time was peaceful and his army was strong and people were happy. 

One day in one of his hunting expedition, he saw a beautiful maiden - as beautiful as an apsara.  He fell in love with her and begged her to marry him. The lady in question turned out to be Ganga from heavens, daughter of Jahnu. 

It is a funny story that this Ganga had previously begged Shantanu's father Prateepa to marry her. She straight away sat on his right thigh. He being a gentleman told her that he does not entertain other women. And also she sitting on his right thigh, can be his daughter or daughter in law, not his wife. Rejected Ganga went back to heavens after promising him that she will marry his son.

So coming back to Shantanu, he asked the pretty lady to marry him. She obliged but with a pre-condition. Her condition was that he should never question her no matter what she does. And if he questions, she will immediately leave him. Oh, if only I had  read this story in my youth..

And blind in love, the king agreed to the condition, wedded the beautiful goddess and brought her to his palace. They lived happily in their grand palace and had (begat?) eight sons. 

But strangely, each time a son was born, Ganga would take the baby to the river Ganga and throw it in the river and come back. 

The king Shantanu was a mute spectator to these cruel acts. Afraid of losing her, he didn't dare to utter a word.

Until eighth son was born. When eighth son was born and Ganga hurriedly tried taking the baby somewhere, the king stopped her and asked her "Where are you taking the child? And why?". 

My vakra thought is,  Ganga was happy - aha, finally she can exit this marriage. She said "As you have broken your promise, I will leave you now. But I will not throw this son into the river".

But before leaving, she told the stories of eight children she threw into the river. They were eight vasus. Vasus are dieties of light and fire. When they were roaming on earth, god knows why, they saw a beautiful cow named Nandini.

Nandini was the cow of maharshi Vasista. This cow could fulfil any of your wishes. And those who drink her milk will not age or die for ten thousand years. Too much?

A vasu named Dyu and his wife saw this cow Nandini first and Dyu's wife asked him to capture the cow and take it to their home. Talk of greedy wives - they are everywhere. 

She knew very well how powerful the cow is. So with the help of remaining 7 vasus, they kidnap Nandini and take it to swargalokan- heaven.

Vasista realizes this. Of course he has x-ray vision, being a great rishi that he is. He immediately cursed the Vasus that they may be born as humans on earth. 

The mighty rishis and their curses. I had read each time they cursed, they lost their tapo power. Wonder how many points of power did Vasista lose after cursing them.

Anyway, the vasus come to know about the curse and begged for his forgiveness. He tells them and seven of them will come back to heavens within an year, and only Dyu will have to live longer there. But he will not beget any child, nor will have any female companionship.

The Vasus come to Ganga. They ask her to give birth them to them and throw them back to water, so that they can be rid of their human life.  

So says Ganga to the sad, forlorn king and vanishes with the child.


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